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Bible Studies

The Bible studies prepared in this section can be used by pastors and church members when meeting with baptismal candidates or people who have indicated interest in studying Scripture. They contain the major ideas only and can be fleshed out by those who want to use them. It is recommended to hand out a copy to the person receiving the Bible study.

It is also helpful to present Bible studies in a systematic sequence. Below you will find an attempt to group the themes of these Bible studies. Such a sequence may work for many people but not for all. It can be adjusted to  needs and questions people have. Yet a certain sequence may be useful in helping people make decisions for God/Jesus and the biblical message.

Note: You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader Free  PDF viewer to open these files. (Credits: bible Studies from Biblical Research Institute General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist)

Bible Studies    

Jesus and the Bible
    The Reliability of Scripture
     Messianic Prophecies
     The Plan of Salvation (Great Controversy)
     The Problem of Sin
     The Love God and Human Suffering
      Assurance of Salvation
      Principles of Spiritual Growth
Death and Future
     Death—the Last Enemy
     Immortality and the Soul
     God and Hell
     Christ’s Second Coming
     Signs of the Times
     The Resurrection
     The Final Judgment (Rev 20)
     A New Paradise
Life with Jesus
     Prayer—Hotline to God
     Jesus and His Church
     The Lord’s Supper—A Commemoration
     Owner and Steward
     God Father and the Trinity
     The Divinity of Jesus
     The Holy Spirit
     Stewardship of Time
     The Law and the Gospel
      The Sabbath
     Sabbath or Sunday
     Sabbath Observance
     Stewardship of the Body
     Scripture and Food
      Alcohol, Tobbaco, and Drugs

Credits: bible Studies from Biblical Research Institute General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist